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Gore Mountain Real Estate
of the Adirondack Park

North Creek Johnsburg

Sandi Engle-Pratt, Realtor, Broker-Owner

Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree

fall image
Come enjoy the scenery of the Adirondack Mountains!!


Listing ID# Description Listing Address Price
AC1084 65 acres near Minerva!! 14th Road Lot 12, Minerva NY Listed at $174,999
AC1081 11 plus acres near Wevertown!! State Rt. 28, Wevertown NY Call Office for Details
AC1030 Holland Road Lots # 2 Holland Road, Johnsburg, NY Reduced to $34,900

Pinewoods Subdivision Lot 17

Chestertown, NY Nice at $69,900



295 Main St. PO Box 323 North Creek NY 12853
Office (518) 251-5111

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Listing ID# Description Listing Address Price
AC1083 94 acres of beautiful land!! 1684 S. Johnsburg Road, Johnsburg NY ** SOLD **
AC1082 20 acres of awesome views!! Peaceful Valley Road, Johnsburg NY ** SOLD **
AC1075 Holland Road Lot # 3! Holland Road, Johnsburg NY ** SOLD **
AC1074 7.7 acres on Barton Mines Road! Barton Mines Road, Johnsburg NY ** SOLD**
AC1072 5.82 acres of Affordable secluded building lot! 83 Holland Road, Johnsburg NY ** SOLD **
AC1068 350ft of quality road frontage! Byrnes Road, Chester NY ** SOLD **
AC1031 Holland Road Lots # 4 Holland Road, Johnsburg, NY ** SOLD **
AC1077 28+ Acres - Moxham Mountain Area!! State Rt. 28N, North Creek NY ** SOLD **
AC1078 Corner Lot Mohican Trail-Chatiemac Estates Mohican Trail , Johnsburg NY ** SOLD **
AC1076 A Lot availabe in "The Preserve" 204 Mountain Path, Johnsburg NY ** SOLD**
AC1073 6.01 of Private Road Cleared building lot! 5 Pinewoods Road, Chester NY ** SOLD **
AC1070 This is 2 acre level APA approved building lot! Bird Pond Road, Chester NY ** SOLD **
AC1069 This is 1.5 acre level APA approved building lot! Bird Pond Road, Chester NY **SOLD**
AC1067 ROW leading to scenic views! Byrnes Road, Chester NY ** SOLD**
AC1066 Stunning property with panoramic mountain views.! Marshall Fish Road, Chester NY **SOLD**
AC1064 16+ Acres with a Brook!! 13th Lake Road, North River, NY **SOLD**
AC1063 The LOWEST PRICED LOT in The Preserve!! 206 Mountain Path Road, Johnsburg, NY **SOLD**
AC1059 1.18 acre lot in The Preserve at Gore! 182 Mountain Path, North Creek, NY ** SOLD!! **
AC1056 4.82 acres in the lovely town of Minerva 14th Road, Minerva NY ** SOLD!! **
AC1038 43 acres of excellent streams and views Bateman Road, Johnsburg, NY ** SOLD!! **
AC1005 1.38 acres in a secluded subdivision. Lot #11 Pinewoods ** SOLD!! **
AC1003 1.38 acres in a secluded subdivision. Lot #9 Pinewoods ** SOLD!! **
AC1040 35 acres with your own ARTESIAN SPRING! Bradley Pond Road, Clinton, NY ** SOLD!! **
AC1055 5.5 acres on a quiet road not far from Gore. Lane Road, Chestertown, NY ** SOLD!! **
AC1015 9.2 wooded acres, 13 miles to Gore Mtn South Johnsburg Road, Johnsburg, NY ** SOLD!! **
AC1044 7.9 acres of seclusion on Barton Mine Road 0 Barton Mine Road, North River, NY ** SOLD!! **
AC1033 155 feet of waterfront on Valentine Pond Shaw Hill Road, Horicon, NY Sold!!


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